AI Powered Excel formula Generator
Generate Spreadsheet Formulas with AI. An ideal solution for individuals and businesses looking to streamline their spreadsheet processes. Try it now!
How to write prompt for AI effectively
Start by describing the problem you want to solve with the formula. Provide as much detail as possible about the data you are working with, the calculations you need to perform, and any specific requirements or constraints.
Clearly define the inputs and outputs of the formula. This will help the AI model understand what data it needs to work with and what results it should be aiming for.
Provide examples of the type of input data you will be working with and the expected output from the formula. This will help the AI model understand the problem and generate more accurate formulas.
Give the AI model relevant context about the data you are working with. This includes information about the structure of your data, any formulas you have already used, and any other relevant information that will help the model generate a more accurate formula.
Use precise language that describes the type of calculation or manipulation you want the formula to perform. Avoid using vague or ambiguous terms that could lead to confusion.
Avoid using overly complex language or technical jargon. Keep the prompt simple and easy to understand, so the AI model can focus on generating accurate formulas.
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